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Welcome to Philadelphia Jazz Project

Behind The Sounds - Tyler McClure

Tyler MCClure 1Every time we attend a concert, there are people at work whom we may, or may not know, nor notice. These are people whose job is to make our experience as wonderful as possible. To that group of people who work behind the scenes in the Jazz community here in Philadelphia, we'd like to acknowledge their work and commitment. This series of articles, entitled Behind The Sounds is dedicated to the sound engineers.


Tyler McClure is a sound engineer. His passion for music and sound led him to Philadelphia where he pursued an Audio Production degree and polished off his education with an internship at Milkboy: The Studio in early 2012. Since then, Tyler has been working professionally in the realms of studio recording, audio production and live sound. He currently pursues his craft full-time with WRTI 90.1FM and works with recording and producing sound on and off the radio. WRTI’s recording studio is used to record projects and broadcast live performances from classical and jazz artists in relation to WRTI’s programming. Tyler McClure also offers his audio services with his business, A Class Production.


PJP Spoke with sound engineer, Tyler McClure about his philosphy and his work as a sound engineer.

PJP: Can you describe your creative direction as a sound engineer?


Tyler McClure: Establishing a relationship with the client or artist is where I start. After I learn the vision/goal for the project, I can get creative with my engineering and production choices. I also keep an open mind and stay willing to adapt to their sound needs. Some of the best moments are unexpected.


Tyler McClurePJP: Can you tell us a little about your studio, or your business as a sound engineer?


Tyler McClure: In addition to working for WRTI 90.1FM, I operate my own audio business, A Class Production. I produce sonic branding packages for radio stations, podcasts and other media brands. I also help clients with recording projects and run sound for live events. I produce all the audio production from my home studio and offer my recording and live sound services at various locations around the Philadelphia area.

PJP: What inspired you to work in sound?


Tyler McClure: I remember listening to my favorite records over and over on my Walkman as a kid. Each listen I would only pay attention to one instrument at a time, then listen again and pick another instrument to isolate in my mind. At that time I didn’t understand how it all worked, but that curiosity led to pursuing sound through playing music and finding a career.


PJP: How long have you been doing this work?


Tyler McClure: Professionally - since 2012.

PJP: What keeps you motivated?


Tyler McClure: Having the ability to use sound to create & craft sonic expression. It’s special when you hit the mix just right and you see it connecting with a live crowd or you get those goose bumps down your body when you connect with a great song.

PJP: Can you share a bright moment from your work?


Tyler McClure: Lately, it’s been amazing to hear about a legendary jazz artist, then get the opportunity to work with them at WRTI. When they exceed their own hype and you get to witness the magic first hand, you know your capturing something special. So far I’ve witnessed this with Sean Jones on stage and Odean Pope in the studio.

PJP: We know that audio is a science, but what makes it an art?


Tyler McClure 3Tyler McClure: The individual engineer makes it an art. The “rules” are allowed to be broken. Let your own creative expression shine through your work and your decisions.


PJP: Why Jazz? When you could be doing anything else, Why this music?


Tyler McClure: My career led me here. I feel fortunate to have this opportunity to work with jazz in Philly at a station that has been a voice for jazz for almost 50 years. It’s opened my eyes to how special and legendary the jazz scene is here and I know it’s only the beginning for me.



Connect With Tyler McClure via his STUDIO WEBSITE or INSTAGRAM or FACEBOOK




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Philadelphia Jazz Project is a sponsored project of the Culture Trust | Greater Philadelphia, with funding provided by The Philadelphia Foundation.


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Tags : BehindTheSounds SoundEngineer TylerMcClure Milkboy RecordingStudio WRTI90.1FM LiveBroadcast AClassProduction RadioProduction SeanJones OdeanPope PhillyJazz


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Jazz is a phenomenon. …it's an element that was created that almost lacks definition. Because it's endless.
Trudy Pitts

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Philadelphia Jazz Project is a sponsored project of the Culture Trust | Greater Philadelphia, with funding provided by The Philadelphia Foundation.